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Particle Sizing with our 90Plus

At Brookhaven Instruments Corporation (BIC) we invent, design, build, sell and support particle size analyzers, zeta potential systems, and a range of light scattering instruments, including goniometers and digital autocorrelators, for quality control and research applications involving colloidal suspensions and polymer solutions.

Take advantage of the Brookhaven Expertise in....
Particle Sizing, Zeta Potential, Light Scattering, Digital Correlators

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Brookhaven Instruments Corporation
750 Blue Point Road, Holtsville, NY 11742-1832 U.S.A.
Phone: +1(631)758-3200, Fax: +1(631)758-3255

Brookhaven, Brookhaven Instruments, Brookhaven Instruments Corporation, BIC, MwA, Molecular Weight, particle sizing, zeta potential, dynamic light scattering, DLS, static light scattering, ZetaPlus, ZetaPALS, 90Plus, DCP, XDC, FOQELS, BI-EKA,EKA, SLS,BI-DNDC, GPC, GPC Detector, SEC, SEC Detector, Light Scattering Detector, Differential Refractometer, BI-SFS, Sample Filtration System, quasi-elastic light scattering, QELS, laser light scattering, photon correlation spectroscopy, PCS, particle size, iso-electric point, IEP, double layer, stationary plane, shear plane, streaming potential, surface charge, hydrodynamic radius, electrophoresis, electrophoretic mobility, electrokinetic analyzer, electro-kinetic analyzer, Correlator, cumulants, NNLS, CONTIN, Mie, REPES, Williams-Watts, Zimm plots, Berry plots, Debye plots, polymer particle size, sedimentation, centrifugation, Phase Analysis Light Scattering, PALS, ceramics, pigments, latex, latexes, resins, liposomes, inks, carbon blacks, biocolloids, emulsions, suspensions, protein crystallization, nano-particles, nanoparticles, submicron particles, micelles, slurry, emulsions, microemulsions, colloidal stability, colloidal instability, radius of gyration, microlectrophoresis, particle electrophoresis, digital autocorrelator, digital correlator